South African Food | EatMee Recipes

Berry Fusion Smoothie

Berry Fusion Smoothie

Berry Fusion Smoothie



This Berry Smoothie Serves 1


If you love berries & smoothies then this Berry Fusion Smoothie is the ideal combo that will be thoroughly enjoyed. This recipe includes fruits such as apples, bananas, strawberries & raspberries.

The astounding medical advantages of strawberry incorporate enhanced vision, help from hypertension, joint inflammation, gout, & different cardiovascular illnesses. The polyphenolic & cell reinforcement substance of strawberries makes them useful for enhancing the immune system, anticipating different kinds of growths, & for lessening the indications of premature aging.

ORAC otherwise called Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is a strategy for estimating the cancer prevention agent substance of different foods. Raspberries have one of the most astounding ORAC esteems – one measure of the natural product has an ORAC estimation of 6058 µmol per 100 grams.

Apples on the other hand prevent Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s infections. They also prevent constipation, liver disorders, diabetes, gallstones & iron deficiency.


Berry Fusion Smoothie Ingredients:


  1. Rinse & cut the apple into small chunks, removing the core & place into a blender.
  2. Next, peel & cut the banana into pieces & add to the blender.
  3. Rinse & cut the strawberries, removing the stems & add to the blender.
  4. Thereafter, rinse & add in the raspberries.
  5. Finally, pour in the almond milk.
  6. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth.
  7. Your Berry Fusion Smoothie is all done.
  8. Empty the smoothie into a glass.
  9. Decorate if desired, by slitting either a strawberry or a raspberry & placing it on the rim of the glass.
  10. Serve immediately. Please mind my dog in the background – he loves photo-bombing most of my images.

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