South African Food | EatMee Recipes

Avocado Tea

Avocado Tea

Avocado Tea


This Recipe Makes ± 1 Liter (1000 ml)


I bet you didn’t know that Avocado Tea was an actual drink, well I’m here to tell you that it is! Avocado seed tea has tremendous medical advantages & it does wonders for the skin. It likewise assists with weight reduction, reducing cholesterol levels & blood pressure. Probably the best part of Avocado tea is that you can make it with that piece of avocado which we regularly dispose of.

There are worries that some plant compounds in avocado seed, like trypsin inhibitors & cyanogenic glycosides, might be harmful. There is a slight amount of persin, a fungicidal toxin similar to a fatty acid, in avocado pits, the skin, bark, & leaves of the avocado tree. But there is only a very small amount, meaning that the avocado seed is not really poisonous to humans, unless eaten in massive quantities.

Here is a list of benefit that you can achieve by drinking Avocado Tea:

  • This tea helps in treating headaches as it improves the flow of oxygen in the brain.
  • This herbal tea can aid in easing asthma symptoms and lowering the blood glucose levels.
  • Avocado seed tea is a low-cal beverage too. Drinking this is a healthy alternative to liquid calorie-laden aerated sodas and beverages.
  • Avocado seeds are source of fibre, which helps promote satiety. If you feel full you would naturally binge less and thus facilitate weight loss. Avocado seeds are also a good source of calcium. Some studies claim that calcium may speed up fat loss.
  • The avocado seeds are also effective in fighting bad cholesterol.
  • Being a rich source of vitamin C, avocado seeds also help exfoliate your skin naturally & induce a natural glow. Those antioxidants can help rebuild collagen, repair damage caused by free radicals.
  • Avocado tea could do wonders to keep your blood pressure in check. Much like the fruit, the seed too is a very good source of potassium. Potassium helps negate the ill-effects of sodium and stabilize your blood pressure levels by relaxing your blood vessels.
  • It releases body tension to aid sleep.
  • Like green tea, the seeds contain polyphenols, which are micronutrients that may play a role in the prevention of cancer & cardiovascular diseases.
  • They contain a condensed flavanol that may prevent tumor growth.


Avocado Tea Ingredients:

  • 1 Liter boiling water
  • 1 avocado pit (seed)


  1. Slice the avocado in half, remove the pit (seed) & give the pit (seed) a rinse.
  2. Avocado Tea
  3. Place a pot on the stove top on medium-high heat & pour in the boiling water.
  4. To the boiling water, add in the pit (seed).
  5. Allow it to boil for 5 minutes.
  6. After 5 minutes, notice how the colour of the water changes to light red.
  7. Use tongs or a small strainer & lift/scoop the pit (seed) out of the boiling water.
  8. The pit (seed) should be softer to work with.
  9. Slice the avocado pit (seed). The outer peel on the pit should easily come off, remove & discard the peel.
  10. You should be left with the sliced avocado pit.
  11. Add the sliced avocado pit to the boiling water.
  12. Allow it to boil for a further 5 minutes.
  13. After 5 minutes, use a strainer & scoop out the pit slices.
  14. At this point it should be a deep red colour.
  15. The Avocado Tea is ready. Pour into cups or mugs & enjoy.
  16. If preferred, honey or other sweeteners may be added.

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